Geometrie affine euclidienne mht611 mention mathematiques parcours mathematiques fondamentales sem. Polycopie mat101 institut fourier universite grenoble alpes. Affine geometry is a geometry studying objects whose shapes are preserved relative to affine transformations. Albert einstein geometrie noneuclidienne et physique 1926. These results are refined and completed by combining the correspondences from. A lot of attention goes to the stratification of geometry in projective, affine, metric. In affine geometry, there is no metric structure but the parallel postulate does hold. Affine geometry, projective geometry, and noneuclidean. Nous allons dans ce chapitre enoncer les cinq postulats deuclide avant devoquer les notions despace vectoriel, despace affine et despace euclidien. Affine space a real affine plane a2 is a plane equipped with the action of a twodimensional vector space v over the real number field \. Dec 29, 2016 claude delode telecharger geometrie affine et euclidienne au capes livre pdf francais online. In mathematics, affine geometry is what remains of euclidean geometry when not using the.
Telecharger geometrie affine et euclidienne au capes livre. On the one hand, affine geometry is euclidean geometry with congruence left out. En gros, les ouverts sont tr es gros, et les ferm es tr es petits. Cours et exercices pour preparer capes, caplp2 et agregation interne livre pdf online. Geometrie affine, projective, euclidienne et anallagmatique. Geometrie euclidienne structure euclidienne angle cocyclicite puissance dun point isometries similitudes. Geometrie euclidienne dans ce chapitre, le corps des scalaires est. For example, the theorem from the plane geometry of triangles about the concurrence of the lines joining each vertex to the midpoint of.
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